Local Missions

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,
    for the rights of all who are destitute.
Speak up and judge fairly;
    defend the rights of the poor and needy.

King Lemuel (Proverbs 31)



World Mission is our top priority but that does not preclude our own neighborhood, after-all we are part of that same world. The focus is on where the needs are greatest. Our church takes care of both the spiritual and physical needs of the local and surrounding communities. Street evangelism and invitations to the general public on Saturday midday outside Sydney’s Town Hall and now extends to Church Street in Parramatta for the afternoon. As with world missions, these needs are best met simultaneously without prejudice or favour. More focus will be placed on providing care once we have the capacity to deliver in terms of legal and infra structure, human and finance capital.


The last commission is our first priority. We are in the business of saving souls; our Father’s business is our business. It’s that simple.

Community Care

Global Compassion is the CMFI’s charity arm, whose vision is to meet the physical and emergency needs of the community.